Fishing in Danube Delta

Pike fishing

areas: Perisor, Holbina, Dranov, Periteasca
areas: Uzlina, Isaac, Pojarnia, Onofrei, Chiril, Militarova, Cuibeda, Taranova, Dubcova, Perisor

Number one predator fish of the Danube Delta also called “Sea Wolf” awaits it’s pray perfectly camouflaged in sub aquatic vegetation. Its strike is lightning fast. The pike has a rapid growth rate reaching 3 years, and also sexual maturity, at about 800 g. The biggest pike caught in the Danube Delta had had 17 kg but frequent captures are between 2-4 kg. The ones between 6-8 kg aren’t something rare.

Pike reproduction lasts from the beginning of February (with the ice melting) till the end of March. During this period pike fishing is forbidden in the Danube Delta.

Pike prefers clear waters with abundant vegetation. Lakes like Uzlina, Chiril, Onofrei, Taranova will guarantee a successful fishing.

There are periods when pike can be difficult to find because of high and murky waters (April – May) or abundant vegetation. The solution is fishing at Perisor in private precincts situated where the Danube meets the Black Sea.

Mentioning that the most efficient fishing method is with swinging twister we wish you “Tense line!”.

Carp fishing

area: Sf. Gheorghe branch, Belciug area (km. 29 – 44),
area: Uzlina

Nothing compares to a Danube carp’s drill. A big fish reaching up to 45 kg, the wild carp in the Danube Delta represents one of the major options of European fishermen.

Frequent captures are between 7 and 10 kg but those between 12-22 kg aren’t a rare sight.

Carp’s reproduction lasts from middle April till middle June, period when fishing is forbidden.

The carp prefers waters with low or medium current and with many underwater obstacles (bushes, submerged trunks). That’s why, taking into consideration the formidable force of this fish you should be very careful when choosing the appropriate fishing-rods and lines. Pricking an over 10 kg carp is not a problem but capturing it isn’t at everybody’s ease.

Zander fishing

area: Sf. Gheorghe branch, Belciug area (km. 29 – 44)
area: Uzlina

By the way it looks and the name it bears the zander resembles both the pike (lucio) and the pike-perch (perca). Zander prefers clean waters, with sandy or rocky Danube ‘s or deep lake’s bottom. The record in the Danube Delta is of 16 kg – on Razim lake, and frequent captures are between 2 and 3 kg. In the picture you can see a 7,4 kg zander captured and set free on Sfantul Gheorghe branch.

The reproduction period is similar to that of the carp and cat-fish, period when fishing is forbidden.

For a great catch you have to have twisters, live fish or pieces of fish, we show you the places (thresholds).

Catfish fishing

area: Sf. Gheorghe branch, Belciug area ( km. 29 – 44)
area: Uzlina

Cat-fish is the biggest fish in the Danube Delta. The record is of 400 kg, with frequent captures between 5 and 20 kg. In August 2003 a fisherman caught on Gheorghe branch a 117 kg specimen.

A fish without scales, the cat-fish prefers deep waters on Danube’s branches.

The reproduction period – when fishing is forbidden – lasts from mid April till mid June. Immediately after reopening fishing in June and all the way to September you get the best results. The most frequently used bait in the Danube Delta is the black earth worm, but also the mole cricket, frog, live fish or heavy twisters have good results.

For a successful fishing party it is essential to know the fishing places. We know them, you have to bring the strongest fishing-rods and plenty line. You may need more than 200 m on the reel.

“vremea lor”

From Danube Delta fishing. Posted by New Hotel Plutitor Anastasia on 2/02/2016 (Showing 16 of 52 items)

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